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My Hamster's a Genius

  • Dave Lowe
  • Short Play, Comedy, TYA, Contemporary
  • 4M, 3F, 4M or F
  • ISBN: OT-12123

Nine-year-old Ben Jinks wants a pet, but a talking hamster wasn't on his wish list.

  • Short Play
  • Comedy, TYA

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Target Audience: Pre-Teen (Age 11 - 13), Children (Age 6 - 10)

  • Performance Group:
  • Community Theatre, Elementary School / Primary
When Ben is given a pet hamster, he's underwhelmed: until the hamster (which he has already unfortunately named 'Stinky') turns out to be a genius - a genius  who helps him with his homework.

Ben's sudden improvement at school attracts the suspicion of his family - and the attention of his teacher, the horrible Beardy McCreedy. When Ben smuggles Stinky into school one day, for help with a test, the results are disastrous. But when Ben's house is burgled, Stinky can identify the culprits. And together, one boy and his hamster make a plan to trap the criminals and save the day.

  • Casting: 4M, 3F, 4M or F

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My Hamster's a Genius Script This is optional. Order Now

When Ben is given a pet hamster, he's underwhelmed: until the hamster (which he has already unfortunately named 'Stinky') turns out to be a genius - a genius  who helps him with his homework.

Ben's sudden improvement at school attracts the suspicion of his family - and the attention of his teacher, the horrible Beardy McCreedy. When Ben smuggles Stinky into school one day, for help with a test, the results are disastrous. But when Ben's house is burgled, Stinky can identify the culprits. And together, one boy and his hamster make a plan to trap the criminals and save the day.
