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The Magical Adventures of Merlin

This re-imagined tale shares how a young Merlin meets a young, soon-to-be king, Arthur in mythical, ancient England.

  • Full Length Musical
  • Backing Tracks, Comedy
  • 60 minutes

  • Time Period: Medieval (6th-14th c.)
  • Target Audience: Appropriate for all audiences
  • Set Requirements: Unit Set/Multiple Settings

  • Performance Group:
  • Community Theatre, Professional Theatre
This re-imagined tale shares how a young Merlin meets a young, soon-to-be king, Arthur in mythical, ancient England. 

Will Merlin choose ultimate magical power- his lifelong dream- or friendship with Arthur and Guinevere? Will Arthur pull the sword from the stone and defeat the bewitching Morgana? Can Merlin become the greatest wizard of the land?

Magical surprises provide the answers in this enchanted musical adventure.

  • Casting: 8M, 5F
  • Casting Attributes: Specific Minority Casting, Strong Role for Leading Man (Star Vehicle)

  • MERLIN - A wiry youth, age 18 or so, interesting looking, intelligent, eager.
    ARTHUR - A princely youth of about the same age as Merlin, ruddy and handsome, energetic.
    GUINEVERE - Beautiful, fair young woman of 16-18 from a royal house. (Double as: TOWNSPERSON)
    MORGANA LA FEY THE SORCERESS - Beautiful, evil, dark-haired woman.
    NIMUE LA FEY (THE LADY OF THE LAKE) - A captivating fairy-like woman. (Double as: TOWNSPERSON)
    KNIGHT 1 - Strong looking, armor, swords/weapons. (Double as: PERSON FROZEN AT LAKE)
    KNIGHT 2 - Strong looking, armor, swords/weapons. (Double as: PERSON FROZEN AT LAKE)
    KNIGHT 3 - Strong looking, armor, swords/weapons. (Double as: PERSON FROZEN AT LAKE)
    OLD MASTER SORCERER - Old sorcerer what you would expect. (Double as: TOWNSPERSON & PERSON FROZEN AT LAKE)
    SORCERER'S WIFE - Old wife of the Old Master Sorcerer. (Double as: TOWNSPERSON & PERSON FROZEN AT LAKE)
  • Name Price
    Perusal Material Shipped immediately. This is optional. Order Now

    1 x Libretto-Vocal Books
    1 x Piano-Vocal Scores

    Rehearsal Material Shipped a minimum of 3 months before the last performance. This must be hired as a condition of the License to produce this show.

    10 x Libretto-Vocal Books
    2 x Piano-Vocal Scores

    Accompaniment Tracks and Vocal Tracks are available upon booking. Customers can play the tracks on a computer or burn to a CD as needed. Customers will need a person to cue each track (sound person, teacher, etc.). This musical may be performed using a piano only, but using the Performance/Accompaniment Tracks is recommended and ideal. The scripts include new formatting indicating where performance tracks begin. (Some shows have more specific instructions about where music stops, fades, pauses, etc.)

    There is no orchestration for this show.

    $300.00 +$50.00/pm