alphabetical author index


  • Jane Martin
  • Full Length Play, Comedy, Contemporary, New Millennium/21st Century
  • 1M, 5F
  • ISBN: 9780573663611

No question, it's a funny show!

The Arizona Republic

  • Full Length Play
  • Comedy
  • 90 minutes

  • Time Period: Contemporary, New Millennium/21st Century
  • Set Requirements: Interior Set

  • Performance Group:
  • College Theatre / Student, Professional Theatre
So you think you want to be famous? So did teen idol and "shark-movie" star Sheena Keener, the darling of the press, the obsession of the paparazzi, and the Goddess of the "E! Channel". But now she can't stand to be looked at anymore and her Godzilla of an agent is on the warpath.

When Sheena ends up on the doorstep of naïve newcomer Loli, a recent arrival from Flatt, Kansas, it's a wild ride on the road to fame. Sheena is a somebody who wants to be a nobody. Loli is a nobody desperate to be a somebody. In this hilarious comedy about Hollywood, fame, and the TMZ, renowned playwright Jane Martin takes dead aim at our culture of celebrity.


No question, it's a funny show! – The Arizona Republic 'The comedy is off-beat and beyond way out there, with an energy level that's full-bore, redline action. Neil Simon this is definitely not... you might as well just give in and start laughing at the beginning, because for sure you'll be laughing by the end.'

The Tuscon Citizen

The script is wicked funny... Laughing your ass off is a fine way to spend an evening.

Phoenix New Times
Premiere Production: Somebody/Nobody premiered at the Temple of Music and Art in Tucson, AZ in March 2008 under the direction of Jon Jory.
  • Casting: 1M, 5F

  • LOLI (Low-Li) - Small town girl with grit
    SHEENA - B-List movie goddess
    JOE DON - Survivalist and Bounty hunter
    STALKER - Vampire wannabe with orange hair
    GALAXY - B-List super agent
    BEVERLY - Graduate student
  • Name Price
    Somebody/Nobody Script Order Now

    So you think you want to be famous? So did teen idol and 'shark-movie' star Sheena Keener, the darling of the press, the obsession of the paparazzi, and the Goddess of the 'E! Channel'. But now she can't stand to be looked at anymore and her Godzilla of an agent is on the warpath. When Sheena ends up on the doorstep of naïve newcomer Loli, a recent arrival from Flatt, Kansas, it's a wild ride on the road to fame. Sheena is a somebody who wants to be a nobody. Loli is a nobody desperate to be a somebody. In this hilarious comedy about Hollywood, fame, and the TMZ, renowned playwright Jane Martin takes dead aim at our culture of celebrity.
