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Body Language

  • Alan Ayckbourn
  • Full Length Play, Drama, Contemporary
  • 5M, 3F
  • ISBN: 9780573019579

There is an awful accident at a cosmetic surgery clinic; overweight reporter Jo and glamour model Angie are beheaded by a helicopter. But never fear, infamous surgeon Hravic knows exactly how to save them.

  • Full Length Play
  • Drama

  • Time Period: Contemporary
  • Set Requirements: Exterior Set
There is an awful accident at a cosmetic surgery clinic; overweight reporter Jo and glamour model Angie are beheaded by a helicopter. But never fear, infamous surgeon Hravic knows exactly how to save them and as if by miracle, their heads are sewn back - on the wrong bodies.

Will the women learn to cope with their new bodies? Or will Hravic be able to re-sew them correctly? The ending sees everything stitched up nicely.

  • Casting: 5M, 3F

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Body Language Script Order Now

There is an awful accident at a cosmetic surgery clinic; overweight reporter Jo and glamour model Angie are beheaded by a helicopter. But never fear, infamous surgeon Hravic knows exactly how to save them and as if by miracle, their heads are sewn back - on the wrong bodies.

Will the women learn to cope with their new bodies? Or will Hravic be able to re-sew them correctly? The ending sees everything stitched up nicely.
