alphabetical author index


  • Erik Ramsey
  • Short Play, Drama
  • 2M, 1F
  • ISBN: 9780573626005

A poorly educated woman in enthralled by a rigid, righteous husband who expects precision in everything and an apple in his lunch box when he leaves for his welding job.

  • Short Play
  • Drama

  • Set Requirements: Interior Set
A poorly educated woman is enthralled by a rigid, righteous husband who expects precision in everything and an apple in his lunch box when he leaves for his welding job. The day she forgets the apple he has a fatal accident. When visited by her pastor, she wanders in and out of sanity as she blames herself for her husband's death and hallucinates about being tortured by an acetylene torch.

Published with Harriet in Award Winning Plays, Vol 2.

  • Casting: 2M, 1F

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A poorly educated woman is enthralled by a rigid, righteous husband who expects precision in everything and an apple in his lunch box when he leaves for his welding job. The day she forgets the apple he has a fatal accident. When visited by her pastor, she wanders in and out of sanity as she blames herself for her husband's death and hallucinates about being tortured by an acetylene torch.

Published with Harriet in Award Winning Plays, Vol 2.
